
First Announcement of Call for Papers - International Symposium on 'Energy Transitions in Asia'

  中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所区域发展与规划研究中心在国家自然科学基金的支持下,与气候可持续栖息地研究所(KRISH)协力举办“亚洲能源转型: 研究与政策议程”青年学术研讨会。本次会议是鼓励处于任何学习研究阶段的研究生、青年职业研究人员能够在这样一个友好与支持的学术氛围中积极参与讨论,呈现出自己的研究,加强与其他青年研究者之间的合作。

  The Research Center for Regional Development and Planning, at the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS), with generous financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and in association with Klimate Research Institute of Sustainable Habitat (KRISH), India, is proudly announcing the early career symposium on `Energy Transitions in Asia- Towards a Research and Poficy Agenda' 1. The symposium is a friendly and supportive event that aims to encourage postgraduate researchers, at any stage in their studies, and early career researchers to engage in debates, present their research and collaborate with other early career researchers in a welcoming and supportive environment.